Best General Surgeons In Sialkot

Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Sialkot

Prof. Dr. Shahzad


Dr Gulfam Sulehri GENERAL & LAPAROSCOPIC SURGEON Bashir hospital Sialkot

Dr. Gulfam Sulehri


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Best General Surgeons in Sialkot Bashir Hospital

Prof Dr. Shahzad and Dr. Gulfam Sulehri are the Best General Surgeons in Sialkot

Prof Dr. Shahzad and Dr. Gulfam Sulehri are the two well-known and best general surgeons working in Sialkot, Bashir Hospital. The two are known for their vast knowledge and expertise in the field of surgery. They can handle every surgical emergency with precise techniques.

Want to know more about the two surgeons? So let’s move on to help you know who is a general surgeon and how he can help you.

Who is a General Surgeon?

A general surgeon is a medical doctor who specializes in performing surgical procedures. They have broad knowledge and skills in a variety of surgical techniques and procedures. They have extensive knowledge about the human body and how to handle it in critical situations.

General surgeons can diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions that may require surgery. This may include;

  • Abdominal issues
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Endocrine problems
  • Breast diseases
  • Skin diseases
  • Cancers
  • Soft tissue problems,
  • Traumas and much more

Essentially, general surgeons can handle almost any urgent surgical situation that comes their way. General surgeons often work in hospitals or surgical centers and collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive patient care.

What is Meant by the Best General Surgeon in Sialkot?

Best General Surgeon refers to a general surgeon who is highly skilled, experienced, and respected in his field. This typically indicates that the surgeon has a track record of successful surgeries, a high level of expertise, and a reputation for delivering excellent patient outcomes.

The two best general surgeons in Sialkot, Prof Dr. Shahzad and Dr. Gulfam Sulehri have extensive training and advanced certifications in their specialty. They stay up to date with the latest surgical techniques and advancements.

They focus on a particular area within general surgery, such as minimally invasive procedures or a specific medical condition. However, it’s important to note that the concept of the best surgeon can vary depending on individual preferences and specific needs, as different surgeons may have different areas of expertise or specialize in different types of procedures.

What Does the Best General Surgeon in Sialkot Do?

The best general surgeon is highly skilled and performs a wide range of surgical procedures. Their main responsibilities include the following;

  • Patient Evaluation and Diagnosis:

The best general surgeon carefully checks the patient and evaluates his health and reviews medical histories. Moreover, he performs physical examinations and recommends diagnostic tests to examine the condition. He assesses through his method whether the condition of the patient requires a surgical method of treatment or not.

  • Surgical Planning:

The best general surgeons in Sialkot like Prof Dr. Shahzad and Dr. Gulfam Sulehri, after examining the patient’s health develop a comprehensive surgical plan. They take into account the patient’s individual needs, medical condition, and any associated risks or complications. This is how they involve in determining the most suitable surgical technique and approach.

  • Surgical Procedures:

They perform surgeries with precision and expertise. They can operate on various body systems and may recommend appropriate treatments. Moreover, they can also handle trauma cases and emergency surgeries.

  • Patient Care:

General surgeons are responsible for providing preoperative care, ensuring patients are prepared for surgery, and addressing any concerns or questions they may have. They also monitor the patient’s recovery and address any complications that may arise.

  • Collaborative Approach:

The two best general surgeons in Bashir Hospital Sialkot work closely together and also with other healthcare professionals, such as anesthesiologists, nurses, and surgical assistants. This ensures a smooth and successful surgical procedure. This is not all, they also coordinate with specialists from other disciplines when necessary, which is an extra milestone to provide comprehensive patient care.

  • Continued Education and Research:

 To stay at the forefront of their field, the best general surgeons actively engage in continuing education and research. They attend conferences, participate in training programs, and also keep up with the latest advancements in surgical techniques and latest technologies.

  • Compassionate Care and Communication with Patients:

The best general surgeons also demonstrate empathy and compassion towards their patients. They communicate effectively, listen to their patient’s concerns, and provide support throughout the surgical process and treatment.

Overall, the best general surgeon in Sialkot is dedicated to delivering the highest quality of surgical care that prioritize patient safety and positive outcomes from the treatment.

When Should You Visit the General Surgeon?

Now, this is the question that comes to every mind, what is the right time to visit the general surgeons in Sialkot Bashir Hospital? So here is the answer for you!

You should consider visiting a general surgeon when you have a condition or symptoms that may require surgical intervention. But how to know that your condition needs surgical intervention?

So, here are some common situations when it may be appropriate to see a general surgeon:

  • You can visit the surgeon for surgical consultation if your primary care doctor suspects that your condition may require surgery.
  • Another condition is when you have been referred to a specialist, at this point a visit to a general surgeon should be your next step. The reason is the surgeons will evaluate your symptoms, medical history, and any diagnostic tests to determine if surgery is necessary or not.
  • If you are experiencing severe or persistent abdominal pain, digestive problems, or gastrointestinal symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, persistent heartburn, or unexplained weight loss, a general surgeon can assess your condition and perform necessary treatments.
  • If you have a bulge or swelling in your abdomen or groin, you may have a hernia. General surgeons can repair hernias through surgical procedures. At this point, it is advisable to consult with them for better treatment options.
  • If you have symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, fever, and vomiting, it could be related to gallbladder or appendix problems. General surgeons commonly perform surgeries for gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) and appendix removal (appendectomy) in such cases.
  • If you notice abnormal skin growths, suspicious moles, or other skin lesions, a general surgeon can assess them and perform biopsies or excisions when necessary. They can also remove benign or malignant tumors.
  • If you detect a lump or have breast-related concerns like breast pain, changes in nipple appearance, or nipple discharge, it is a must to move to seek treatment from a general surgeon.
  • In case of traumatic injuries that require surgical intervention, such as fractures, deep lacerations, or internal injuries, visit a general surgeon for timely and appropriate surgical care.
  • Sometimes, other medical specialists may refer you to a general surgeon for further evaluation or treatment. This can include conditions related to endocrine glands, the gastrointestinal system, or other areas that require surgical expertise.

These are some of the points that may provide better guidance on when to visit a general surgeon. Remember, this is not a complete list, this is why it is always important to consult with your primary care doctor or seek medical advice if you have any concerns or symptoms that may require the expertise of a general surgeon.

Disorders and Diseases Treated by the Best General Surgeon in Sialkot

General Surgeons in Sialkot are capable of treating the following diseases;

  • Alimentary tract diseases
  • Hernias
  • Thyroid and parathyroid disorders
  • Superficial lumps
  • Skin lesions and tumors
  • Liver and biliary tract
  • Soft tissue infections and abscesses
  • Breast diseases
  • Traumas and emergency surgeries

Services Provided by the Best Surgeon in Sialkot

The two best surgeons Prof Dr. Shahzad and Dr. Gulfam Sulehri are capable of providing the following services to their patients;

  • Hernia surgery
  • Fistula
  • Abdominal surgeries
  • Breast surgery
  • Abdomen Colorectal surgery
  • Vascular surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Biopsies
  • Organ transplant surgery

You can book your appointment by simply dialing the below mentioned numbers:

0330 6120808
(052) 3301101